Talk about male power and testosterone will surely surface somewhere in the discussion. Testosterone is a sex hormone that is mostly produced by the testes or testicles and is responsible for the sexual drives of males, although women also have it but only in small amounts. It affects the masculinity of men and will make men infertile without it. As men grow older, their testosterone level decreases and results in the decline of sexual function, body composition and strength.
Today, one of the most prevalent problems most men face is erectile dysfunction. This is caused by the decreasing level of testosterone. It has become a big concern for medical practitioners because the onset age is getting lower and lower.
Testosterone level could be increased by the different testosterone supplements available in the market today. They are either synthetic or bio-identical. But before considering taking these supplements, you might want to try and consider natural ways which can help increase testosterone level and provide additional beneficial side-effects.
Some of the natural ways to increase testosterone levels are the following:
A Good Night Sleep
Lack of sleep is a significant factor that affects the level of testosterone in men. Sleep affects the different hormones and chemicals in the body which causes the testosterone level to drop. If you can, get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Having adequate and quality sleep will help boost your testosterone level.
Active Lifestyle
It is better to be moving a lot than just sitting or lounging for long periods of time. Aim for 10,000 steps daily. Do high-intensity exercise together with intermittent fasting. High-intensity exercise is done by warming-up for three minutes, followed by intense exercise for 30 seconds. Recover at a slow pace for 90 seconds, and repeat the procedures seven times. Intermittent fasting means eating only at certain times of the day. These were found to be very effective in increasing the testosterone level, thereby increasing libido and preventing testosterone level from hitting the floor.
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Control Stress Levels
When you’re stressed, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol that blocks the production of testosterone. Learn to manage your stress. Avoid being a workaholic and allocate some time for fun. Always have time for leisure activities. Other activities that reduce stress are meditation, deep breathing and yoga.
Reduce Weight
It was found that obese men are more likely to have low testosterone level. So, a significant loss in weight will definitely increase their testosterone level. By eating healthy and adequately-nutritious foods, not only do you lose weight but you boost your testosterone level as well. Reduce sugar consumption and eat more healthy fats. Increase your zinc consumption. Raw milk, raw cheese, beans and yogurt are some good sources of zinc. Whey protein, high-protein yogurt and vegetables are muscle builders that burn fats to increases testosterone level.
Be Exposed In the Sun
Sun is the largest source of vitamin D. To get vitamin D from the sun, you need to be exposed directly to sunlight for 15 to 30 minutes. Vitamin D is a hormone that helps in the development of the sperm cell, maintains the quality of the semen and raises the sperm count. Maintaining a high level of vitamin D can raise the testosterone level as much as 20 percent.
In case your Saturday spent on the couch watching football didn't already sound good enough, you can also add a glass or two of red wine to the scene.
Scientists at the University of Kingston found that a compound in the red stuff, known as quercetin, potentially blocked an enzyme from telling the kidneys to excrete testosterone in urine. The result? A healthy bump in the amount of testosterone retained by the body.
The conclusion hasn't yet been proven via clinical study – but there's no need to mention that to your other half come match day.
You can visit the famous Flying Dutchman Liquor Store when you had a chance to travel in the Bahamas paradise, and see their best selections of red wines.
Scientists at the University of Kingston found that a compound in the red stuff, known as quercetin, potentially blocked an enzyme from telling the kidneys to excrete testosterone in urine. The result? A healthy bump in the amount of testosterone retained by the body.
The conclusion hasn't yet been proven via clinical study – but there's no need to mention that to your other half come match day.
You can visit the famous Flying Dutchman Liquor Store when you had a chance to travel in the Bahamas paradise, and see their best selections of red wines.
These natural ways of raising the testosterone levels are more practical than using over-the-counter supplements. The natural ways provide an assurance that decreasing testosterone level may happen to some men but thanks in great part to research and development, there are many natural ways to counter that without the side effects common to over-the-counter options.
Since the beginning, people (most especially men) all across the world have been searching for a miracle food that will help raise their sexual desire or that of their partners. Some believe that oysters are effective in increasing libido, while others tend to put their faith in exotic foods, such as the balls of an Asian tiger or a bark of a tree that can only be found in the Amazon. Although many attest to the effectiveness of such aphrodisiacs, studies and research that back these suppositions are still lacking.
Below are some foods that can be seen around the kitchen that is believed to be an effective aphrodisiac.
Dark Chocolate
Anyone who feels anxious and stressed is usually not in the mood for some sex. Take out stress, be relaxed and happy and you will be more open to doing the deed with your partner all night long. One of the reasons why dark chocolate is on top of the list of foods that help spark an active sex life is that it enhances the production of endorphins, a hormone that makes individuals feel good, relaxed and happy. Just eat a couple of dark chocolate squares after dinner and wait for your mood to change from catty to naughty.
A couple of teaspoonful of honey a day can actually do wonders for your sexual relationship with your partner. Since this naturally produced sweetener is a simple carbohydrate, it is a main source of instant energy. Furthermore, pure and unadulterated honey contains boron and B vitamins which are needed by the body in order to use female sex hormone estrogen (Boron). Vitamin B on the other hand is vital in the production of male sex hormone testosterone.
This is not only a must for dieters, but also the missing ingredient in reviving sexual attraction between long time couples. Raw celery is a good source of androsterone, a male hormone that helps mimic the effect of pheromone that makes a man more attractive and irresistible to women. Women can also benefit from eating celery because it helps elevate their mood.
Stamina or endurance in the bedroom maybe a big issue once you hit the 40ish to 50ish age bracket, copulation that used to last for several hours is replaced with a short and often unsatisfying sexual encounter. Banana helps the production of testosterone that will improve endurance for some foreplay and the main act itself. Eating banana a few hours before trying to get it on with your partner is advisable.
Many think that this pungent root is an unlikely candidate for an aphrodisiac. However, ginger is actually valuable in promoting good blood flow, particularly in the genital area. If you don't like to eat ginger before the love making because of fear of bad breath, you can actually just sniff fresh ginger to increase blood flow to your vaginal or penile area and increase that organ's sensitivity.
What is Bloating?
Bloating is when intestinal gas doesn't get passed out by belching or flatulence (passing gas). It's a very uncomfortable feeling but can and sometimes can be relieved by having a bowel movement or passing gas. There are steps to take in order to prevent bloating which are avoiding smoking, avoiding or cutting down fatty foods intake and certain foods such as beans and cabbage.
Common Causes of Bloating (not in any particular order)
· Greasy, fried and fatty foods
Majority of fast foods entrées like burgers, chips, fried chicken and deep-fried such as doughnuts. These foods cause bloating because it takes the stomach much longer to break down the fats and properly digest them. This extra time allows gas to build up thus causing bloating.
· Salty foods
High-sodium foods cause the body to retain water, which leads to a bloated feeling. Sodium can show up in some unlikely sources, especially in processed foods.
· Spicy foods
Spicy foods have been shown to stimulate the release of stomach acid, which causes stomach irritation. Limiting the use of black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, chilli powder, curry, onions, garlic, mustard, BBQ sauce, horseradish, tomato sauce and vinegar will help in avoiding bloating.
· Gassy vegetables
Some vegetables produce more gas than others and everyone is different with their ability to absorb and tolerate gas. If sensitive, limiting the intake of gas-producing vegetables such as baked beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, lentils, Lima beans, onions and peppers will be helpful.
· Carbonated and high-acid drinks
From sodas to fizzy mineral water will cause bloating because the carbon dioxide trapped in the bubbles creates gas in the stomach. Others like alcohol, caffeinated drinks, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and some fruit juices are high in acid which can irritate your GI tract, resulting in swelling and bloating.
· Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, sorbitol, xylitol, maltitol, cyclamates and sucralose increases bloating, these are often found in diet drinks, sweets, cookies, energy bars and chewing gums. It lingers in the stomach because artificial sweeteners are indigestible and after build-up it acts as a platform for the fermentation of bacteria leading to production of gas.
· Dairy products
Lactose-intolerance is relatively common, especially among people of Asian, African and Southern European descent and it causes bloating. The lactose that is not completely digested will pass to the colon where gas is produced by the bacteria trying to break it down. Consulting a dietician to ensure adequate consumption of other calcium-rich foods is very advisable.
· Too much fruit
Like lactose-intolerant, fructose-intolerant is basically the indigestion of sugar. It is noticeable when someone has an excess gas after eating fruit. Choosing a lower-fructose fruits, like sweet melon and apricots, instead of high-fructose fruits like apples and bananas is advisable. It is also best to eat fruit separately from a meal - either 30 minutes before or at least two hours after.
· Starches
Most starches, including potatoes, corn, pasta and wheat produces gas as they are broken down in the large intestine. Rice can be a good substitute for Starches. Also, beware of refined grains like white flour that's often used in white bread, cake and biscuits. Not only do they offer little nutrition, they can also cause water retention, bloating will be the result.
· Chewing gum
Chewing gum makes someone to swallow air which then gets trapped in the belly, causing pressure, bloating and gas. It also has artificial sweeteners which can aggravate bloating.
· Apples and pears
These fruits contain fiber which is an excellent source of soluble fiber, but they can also upset someone with a sensitive tummy. Avoiding them is not recommendable, eating half or a quarter of these fruits or peeling them first is highly recommended to avoid bloating.
· Beans
Beans contain oligosaccharide, a type of sugar which is not normally digestible by our bodies. When it reaches the large intestine, the bacteria eat it up and the byproduct is gas. Consuming small amounts of beans along with easily digestible whole grains such as rice or Quinoa will be very helpful.
· Broccoli, cabbage, and asparagus
These highly nutritious veggies are often avoided because of the odoriferous outcome. The reason these veggies cause gas is due to raffinose. This foods produces a sugar named raffinose, it goes undigested until it reaches the large intestine, where it's fermented by methane-producing bacteria. Eating them in moderation and with other foods should help to prevent a bloated stomach.
· Breads, grains, cereals, and nuts
Wheat and wheat-products can cause some people to have gas build-up. Minimizing consumption of wheat items like Bagels, Breakfast cereals, Whole grain breads, Whole wheat flour and Pastries is highly recommended.
· Acidic Foods
Acidic foods such as tomato and tomato products, white/red vinegar and citrus fruits such as apples, cherries, grapes, pomelos, orange, lemon, lime, and pineapple which are extremely acidic causes the stomach to react by building gas.
How to avoid Bloating?
Aside from following the simple steps in avoiding bloating, below are additional steps in avoiding it.
- · Eating slowly and consuming smaller frequent meals
- · Chewing foods properly
- · Drinking of beverages at room temperature
- · Denture checkup to see if it is a good fit
- · Increasing physical activity during the day
- · Sitting up straight after eating
- · Taking a short stroll or walk after eating